Yo....so I kno this kid right, and he's pretty cOOL. Well actually he's UNMIS@KABLY CooL. He's sorta takin ova the scene right now and I figured yall need 2 kno abt him ASAP (so I can seem cool for puttin yall on b4 he blows up forreal forreal lol). Sooo this cat's name is Fred. A Chicago native, and an Alabama resider, this fellow is hungry and is eating the whole streetwear culture for dinner. His goals of owning the first streetwear boutique in AL was halted when Kreativ.Sole (click here), a streetwear boutique in Huntsville, came on the scene. BUT WAIT....THERE'S MORE... not scared of a lil competition this clever cat took up an internship there and is learnin, growing, and maturing into a young boutiquer (lol made that up....Imani's definition of "boutiquer": one who knows abt boutiques. one who knows how to run a boutique and prosper from it. Imma holla at Webster bout that one!)
Anywhoser, while learning about boutiquing (made that up too lol. verb form in this piece), Fred is still continuing and developing his baby, HIS BLOG!!!!! You can catch this fellow at http://www.unmistakablycool.com/ where he is keepin u up on "all things fly." From music, to fashion, to sports, to EVERYTHING COOL =) As he says, his blog is "GOING CRAZY!!!"
BUT WAIT....THERE'S MOOOOORRE...this man is not only a cool kid, boutiquer, AND blogger...but he is also aaaaaaaaa DUN DUN NA NA DESIGNER!!!!!! Yes, Unmist@kably Cool is a brand. Formaly, @Last!, Unmist@kably Cool has had a couple t-shirt drops in the past but more are soon to come I'm sure.
I used to have an in with this cat, but now I just gaze at his success from a far... and who woulda thunk he coulda achieved all this success in less than a year?! What a go-getter and inspiration for all these ppl out here wit dreams! This man is studyin a craft and makin his own in an overcrowded world of ppl tryin 2 b "dope." But trust me, he doesnt need to try, he's already certified cOOL =)
I've done my cool deed for the day, and have opened you all up to a new world of dopeness! If u will, indulge wit me and check this kid out cuz he's makin big moves and you might wanna join him for the ride! Oh and he's on that Twitter ish too soooo follow him http://twitter.com/FredTheCooL
Here is a pic of his 1st T-shirt drop commemorating Obama's inaguration:

(Fred: I kno u said u dont need this but I've been indulging sooo why shouldn't others? Thanks for the pub earlier. You r movin on to bigger n better things =) Best of Luck! Ohhh and check it...u inspired me to blog and I'm on my way 2 ur status, 12 FOLLOWERS =) Now that's unmist@kably cool!!!!!!!!)
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