Monday, June 22, 2009


My family is full of musicians! Trust and believe me! Not even lying to u! And i got witnesses :-P But the main person I think who needs to get on right now is my cousin...his music is AMAZING. Every time someone hears his music for the first time, they are amazed because he is too talented of a musician to not be on right now. All he needs is a big break, and I'm on a mission to get that for him!

He plays every instrument that he can get his hands on, a feat acquired from being a the son of a music teacher. Wish I had more of a bio for him buuuuut I really dont right now. I'll add more to this post later though, or make new posts when new things about him pop up.

The purpose of the this post though is to let you all kno abt a deal he has goin on right now:

If you invest in the studio you get TWO free tracks, an hour of studio time, and a mixed down version of what ever you record. (minimum donation of $125). 

I mean, personally, that sounds like a GREAT deal. Ben uses state of the art equipment and creates a state of the art sound...THAT BEN FORD SOUND. Check out his myspace or friend him of facebook, Ben Ford. Or ask me about ANYTHING and I can get u in contact wit him because I do some work with him as well!

(And once I figure out how to put music up on this thing, i will lol. Until then, hit his myspace!)


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