Monday, January 5, 2009

New Beginnings

A new yr is here n I'm not the one 2 make resolutions. I've always been the one 2 break them. So instead of letting myself down, I just don't make them. I know a lot of ppl say that, but i suck at holding myself accountable for the things that I say. But that isn't the point of this entry!

The point of this entry is to say Hello! The point of this entry is to make a name for myself as a blogger! I've been really depressed so I figured a good medium for me to get my feelings out would be through blogging. So be prepared for a lot of RANDOMNESS, lol. Cuz my life can def be that way sometimes. Im gonna put up fashion, news, music, ideas, i dunno. Anything that I'm feeling for the day.

Excited to make my print in this blog world.

Markmaker <143>
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