Soooo im into fashion right? But one of my other passions is Africa and the different cultures that rest within that vast contitnent! I was out wit the bf in Barnes & Nobles and I came across a huge magazine with an African woman on the front sooo of course it caught my eye and I'm so glad that it did :) After doing a little research, come to find out that I picked up the second isses of a new magazine cleverly enititled ARISE: Africa's Global Style & Culture Magazine. In the first issue they noted that ARISE is "the first global magazine deidcated to achievements in African fashion, music, cutlrue and plolity." Below are some of the images within the crazy great magazine!

So within this magazine they have articles covering all four of those areas. This 185 page magazine is packed with vibrant picture and relevant information, shedding a different light on the beautiful Africa. I tried to be selective with the pictures, but you should really go pick it up or check out the website to see what I'm really talking about. They've found a subscriber in me ^-^

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