Saturday, March 28, 2009

This Ethan Lader dude actually has a lot of nice videos...and it seems like he's working with a lot of up an coming alternative/underground artists...anyway....he's kinda hot. he made the last two videos i posted....heres some more of his work
just click through some of the videos in the playlist on the side! Enjoy <143>

More Music

Continuing wit these really feeling J*Davey and am startin to really listen to their music! I bought their cd off itunes not too long ago. Their genre is a nice combo of R&B and techno/pop style, i dunno...just hot...check out their video! <143>

J*DaVeY "Mr. Mister" Remix Director: Ethan Lader from ethandirector on Vimeo.

This Tickled Me

I love how rap/hip hop is expanding....this really tickled me and is actually pretty decent...enjoy <143>

check out rob roy at  

Rob Roy "Fur In My Cap" Director: Ethan Lader from ethandirector on Vimeo.
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